Task notifications are reminders that are visible within your Equinox account and advise of the work that needs to be completed on your cases.

These notifications indicate the number of tasks that need to be completed and are updated in real time within your Equinox account.

These notifications are displayed in the follow areas of the system:

Please read the sections below for more information.


Main Menu Task Notifications

The Main Menu of Equinox can be accessed by clicking ‘Main’ in the tool bar across the top of the screen. Most users will see this screen when they login to their Equinox account.

Across the top of the Main Menu are the following notification icons:



Overdue Tasks for all users

This includes all tasks that have passed their due date and do not have a status of ‘Complete’.

My Overdue Tasks

This includes all tasks assigned to your user account that have passed their due date and do not have a status of ‘Complete’.

My Tasks Due Today

This includes all tasks that have a due date of today’s date.


The number above each icon indicates the number of tasks requiring action.

Clicking on these icons will take you to a list of these tasks on the Master Tasks screen. Here you can view the task details, including:

  • Task Due Date
  • Task Description
  • Case Code the task is linked to

Toolbar Task Notifications

In the top right hand corner of the tool bar is an ‘Outstanding Task’ icon.

The red number indicates the number of Overdue tasks that are assigned to your user account.

Click on the task icon to go to the Master Tasks list where you can use the search filters at the top of the columns to view these tasks.