There are some user preferences within Equinox that can be configured to specify how tasks are displayed in your Equinox account and whether you will receive email reminders for overdue and upcoming tasks.

Any changes to these preferences will only affect your user account.

To access your preferences, go to System > User Preferences.

Preference Tab

Preference Name



Hide Task List on Main Menu

When un-ticked this will display a list of your tasks on the right of the Main Menu in Equinox. This list provides short cuts to view tasks assigned to you.
 Tick to hide this list.

Cases > Tasks

Default Status

This preference specifies the status of tasks that will be displayed when you access the Tasks tab within a case. 

You can amend this status manually on the Tasks tab. 

Usually this is set to ‘Live & Pending’ to view tasks that are not yet Done.

Note: This preference does not affect the Master Tasks list.

Default Order

This preference determines how tasks are ordered on the Tasks tab of a case. 


By default this is set to ‘Date’. It can be amended to show ‘Live then Done’ tasks.

Default Email Reminders

When ticked this will send users a nightly email reminder that includes a list of any overdue tasks or tasks due in the next 5 days that are assigned to them.


Note: Tasks will only be included in the Task Email Reminder if they have the ‘Email’ option ticked in the task Details. 

For more information on this please see the section on Task Details.

Master Tasks

Additional Columns

Use the tick boxes to select which columns you would like to add:

- Short Title

- Country

- Attorney (Fee Earner/Case User)

- Formalities (Case User 2)

- Secretary (Case User 3)

- Trainee (Case User 4)



When making any changes to your User preferences, remember to click ‘Update’ to save the changes OR click ‘Cancel’ to go back.

Note: Users require certain permissions to update their User Preferences. For more information on User Preferences and system set up please see the System Configuration module.