The system will notify users of Documents that have been uploaded to the system and require attention e.g. have been uploaded with a status of Unread or Outstanding.

There are two places notifications will appear:

Main Menu


Document notifications are displayed on the Main Menu of Equinox, if the user has documents assigned to them.

Clicking on these notifications will take users to a list of the documents, with links to view each document.

The table below provides some more information on these notifications:



Documents for your attention

This displays a count of documents that have been assigned to you that have a status of either ‘Unread’.

Outstanding Documents

This displays a count of documents assigned to you that have a status of ‘Outstanding’ within your system.

Documents for your information

This displays a list of all documents that are marked for your information. This is used when the document is marked for the attention of another user, but may also be relevant to you.


Navigation Bar


The document notifications are displayed in the top right hand corner of the navigation bar.

This notification will warn users of the number of ‘Unread’ documents assigned to them within the system.

This will be visible on any screen within Equinox.

By clicking on the ‘Unread Documents’ icon users will see a list of the document names, which are links to view each document in the system. 

There is also an option to ‘Show Documents for attention’ to view a full list of the documents, along with some additional information such as the case codes.