To manually add pre-set tasks to a case: 

  1. Open a case and go to the Tasks tab

  2. Click the Add Pre-set button in the top right 

  3. Choose the case date the that should trigger the pre-set – in most instances this is the date that is used to calculate the task deadlines as well. Note: The system will only allow you to select a date if it is populated on the case Details screen.

  4. Click Continue

  5. You'll see a list of default pre-sets by case category and country 

  6. Click Select on the right to choose the pre-set

  7. This opens the Add Task screen 

  8. If all details are correct, click the Proceed button on the top right of the screen to continue.

  9. If you want to change any details, you can edit the following:

    • Tick the Ignore box to ignore a task

    • Edit the task description

    • Change the user associated with the task

    • Bulk change users on all tasks to a user selected from the dropdown menu

  10. When all your details are correct, click the Proceed button on the bottom right to continue 

  11. The pre-set tasks have now been added to your case