This article outlines how to add charges using your Charge Sheet list.

The Charge Sheet is configured under Finance > Charge Sheet. Users Require certain permissions to be able to view/edit and create new Charge Sheet items. Please see System Setup for more information.

To add a charge from the Charge Sheet:

1. Open a case and go to the Charges tab

2. Click ‘Add from Charge Sheet’

3. Use the fields at the top of each column to filter for the charge sheet item(s) you want to add

4. By default, the filters will be set to display all charges that match the case category and country of the case the charges are being added to





Charge Sheet items can be assigned to a ‘Group’ to enable users to search and find multiple charges more easily. E.g. Official Fees.


A code can be assigned to Charge Sheet items to classify them further. E.g. filing charges may have a code of F1.


Charge Sheet items can be assigned a case category to indicate which type of case the charges are related to.


Charge Sheet items can be assigned a country to indicate which type of country the charges are related to.


Information about what this Charge Sheet item is for. The description is usually displayed on invoices.


The amount of the Charge Sheet item (not including VAT).

Note: If the charge sheet item is in a different currency the amount displayed will be converted into your system’s default currency. The original currency amount is displayed to the left ‘Converted From’.


The category of the charge sheet item

  • Time (Professional Fees)
  • Fixed (Standard Fees)
  • Costs (Disbursements)


The Charge Sheet item sub-category.

Add for Fixed-fee clients

Indicates if the Charge Sheet item should be added to cases where the clients only pays fixed service charges, not time charges.

  • Always
  • Yes
  • No


This column is only visible if the Charge Approval module is enabled. Indicates if the charge is automatically available for billing or if it requires approval.          


5. Use the tick boxes on the right to select the charges to add (the first tick box selects all charges that are displayed)

6. Click ‘Enter Selected’

7. Confirm the charge details




For Time category charges users will have the option to edit the text that indicates what the charge is for. The description for Fixed and Cost charges cannot be amended.


The date defaults to today’s date. Amend this if needed.


This option is visible if the Charge Sheet item is configured to enable users to automatically increase the amount. Enter the number the charge amount should be multiplied by. E.g. multiple the charge amount for each extra trade mark class.


For time related charges enter the amount of time in minutes. The charge amount will be automatically calculated using the time and the hourly charge rate.


For Fixed and Cost charges amend the amount of the charge if needed.


Choose which user the charge should be assigned to.



8. Click ‘Enter Charges’

9. You will be taken to the Charges tab of the case


New charges will not be marked as ‘Billed’ until they have been invoiced. Please see the section on ‘Billing & Invoicing’ for more information on how to do this.