This article outlines how to manually add a charge in another currency.

When the charge is saved to the case, the amount will be converted from the foreign currency to your system’s default currency. However, it will still be possible to bill the charge in its original currency if needed.

  1. Click on the Charges tab
  2. Click the ‘Add Charge’ button in the top right
  3. Click ‘Currency’ next to the amount field 
  4. Select the currency 
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Amend the conversion rate if needed
    > The first box shows the conversion rate of the selected currency to your default currency
    > The second box provides the option to add a percentage mark up
    > The third box provides the option to add a set amount increase
  7. Click ‘Convert’, the ‘Amount’ will be automatically populated
  8. Fill in the other charge details (See Charge Information Fields)
  9. Click ‘Save’ to add the charge to the case OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back 
  10. You will be taken to the Charges tab of the case


The converted amount and the original amount will be visible within the Charges tab with a further breakdown of the conversion in the details of the individual charge.

New charges will not be marked as ‘Billed’ until they have been invoiced. Please see the section on ‘Billing & Invoicing’ for more information on how to do this.

Note: It is possible to stop a mark up being applied to foreign currency charges when they are added to a case. This is managed in the Address Book Organisation Preferences tab > ‘Disable Inbound Markups’. This avoids a second mark up being applied if the charge is billed in a foreign currency. 

Users will often enable this preference for clients that they regularly bill in a foreign currency.