If a charge has been added in error (e.g. added to the wrong case), it can be deleted from Equinox by users that have permission to delete charges.

Deleting charges cannot be reversed.

To Delete a charge in Equinox:

  1. Go to the Charges tab of the case
  2. Click on the ‘Description’ of the charge you would like to delete
  3. Click ‘Delete’
  4. On the confirmation screen
    > To go back click ‘Cancel’ and the charge will not be deleted
    > To delete the charge tick ‘Confirm delete’ and Click the ‘Delete’ button

Note: The charge will be deleted immediately from the system and you will be returned to the Charges tab. This action is not reversible.

For information on how to delete multiple charges from a case, please see the section on the ‘Multiple Delete’ option in the Charge Left Hand Menu.