This article outlines how to add and edit the Renewal Client and Renewal Billing contact for a case. 

Note: To use this functionality, your Equinox account needs to have Correspondence Management Enabled. See 'Set Up Correspondence Management' for more information.

Add/Edit Renewal Correspondence Contacts

To add a new Renewal Correspondence contacts or edit an existing contact:

  1. Open a case and go to the Contacts tab

  2. Scroll to Renewal Client/Renewal Billing at the bottom of the client contact screen

  3. Click Edit on the left of the Renewal contact block

  4. Type the organisation name of the new Renewal Client

  5. Click Update
    Note: The organisation will need to be added to your Address Book. The location of the organisation will need to be enabled for ‘Renewal Correspondence/Renewal Billing’.

Any Correspondence Contacts that are already recorded as correspondence contacts in the new renewal organisation will be visible.

To set up Correspondence Contacts for your new renewal organisation e see ‘Add Correspondence Contacts’.