This section covers the various PDF formatting options you can configure within Equinox for any custom reports that are downloaded/exported as a PDF file.

To access the PDF Report Export Settings:

  1. Click Reports > Export Settings
  2. This takes you to the Report Export Settings Page
  3. Click the PDF Options button on the left-hand side
  4. Click Update to save any changes you have made to the Export Settings


The default settings are displayed in the screenshot below:



Please see the table below for an outline of the PDF options that can be configured:




Page Orientation

Choose whether the PDF file is landscape or portrait

Column Titles

Choose the alignment of the column headings

Number Field Text Align

Choose how numbers are aligned within cells

Text Field Text Align 

Choose how text is aligned within cells

Column Titles:

Additional options to set the font colour/background colour/font formatting

Even Rows: 

Set the font colour/background colour/font formatting for even rows in the spreadsheet

Odd Rows: 

Set the font colour/background colour/font formatting for odd rows in the spreadsheet