It's possible to link your correspondence templates to a pre-set task so that users are prompted to generate letters/emails when they process the task on a case.

See ‘Add Pre-set Task Associated Templates' for more information.

When a task is linked to a correspondence template the following icon is displayed on the right of the task description when viewing the Tasks tab:


The correspondence template is displayed differently within the task information depending on whether the template being generated is a Standard Template or a Smart Template.

A list of all tasks that are linked to outgoing correspondence can be accessed from the main Equinox dashboard > Outgoing Correspondence.

Generate Correspondence from a Pre-set Task

  1. Go to the Task window of the case. If there's a standard template associated with the task, you'll see the associated letter icon to the right of the task column.

  2. Click the task name to view further task details 

  3. You can see any correspondence linked to the task under Correspondence. If it has not yet been generated, it will display Not Generated in red next to the correspondence title. 

  4. Update the delivery method (if needed)

  5. Choose the recipient of the correspondence from the dropdown menu. If there isn't a Key Contact, select the recipient from the list.

  6. Edit the Send from field (if needed)

  7. Click Preview to preview the correspondence


    Click Create Draft to create the correspondence as a draft email in your Outlook email account

  8. You'll see a notification in the bottom right of the screen saying 'Email draft created successfully' 

  9. To mark the task as done, click 'Mark As Done'

    Or To discard the task, click 'Discard'


    To undo the changes you've made, click Reset

Email Not Sent

If you mark a task as 'Done' but haven't actually sent the required email for the task, Equinox will show you a message saying 'You have not yet sent this email or have deleted it from your mail client. Please either send the email or discard below'.

You can either:

  • Click Discard to discard the correspondence Or

  • Click Close to close the message and send the required email