Smart Email (with Attachment) Tasks

Some Smart Templates are configured to create an email with an attachment. (These templates are set up using a Delivery Method of 'Email (Attachment)'.

These correspondence tasks are processed in 2 steps:

1. Create the email attachment

Users will need to create the file attachment first by clicking the 'Create Document' button. The generated document will be linked to the task.

See 'Smart Correspondence Tasks - Document/PDF' for more information.

2. Create the cover email

Once the attachment has been created and linked to the task, users will need to create the email by clicking 'Create Draft' OR 'Send'

Please see 'Smart Correspondence Tasks - Email(Inline)' for more information.

Add Multiple Attachments

It is possible to link multiple attachments to a Smart Correspondence task where the delivery method is 'Email (Inline)' or 'Email (Attachment)'.

To do this:

  1. Upload the files you want to use as attachments to the Documents tab of the case
  2. Go to the Correspondence Task and link the document to the task (See 'Link a Document to a Task' for more information)
  3. Generate the email

All documents that are linked to the Correspondence task with be included as an attachment to the email.