To view citations that have previously been recorded:

  1. Go to the Family tab of the case
  2. Click on ‘Manage Citations’ in the top right


Citations are split into two tables, depending on the type of citation: 

  • Cited Patents
  • Non-Patent Literature Citations

Cited Patents

The following information is displayed for Cited Patents:




Application, Grant/Reg OR Pub/Adv number of the cited patent (depending on the information selected when adding the details of the citation).


This is a fixed column to indicate these are ‘Foreign Patent Application’ citations.


Application, Grant/Reg OR Pub/Adv date of the cited patent (depending on the information selected when adding the details of the citation).


Application, Grant/Reg OR Pub/Adv country of the cited patent (depending on the information selected when adding the details of the citation).

Based On

This indicates whether the date, country and number of the cited patent relates to the Application, Grant/Reg or Pun/Adv information.


This indicates whether a (translation) document has been linked to the citation.

First Citation

If the citation has been notified (e.g. it has been included in an IDS generated from Equinox) this column displays the date the IDS was generated in Equinox.


Click on the cited patent Number to view and edit the details.

Non-Patent Literature Citations

The following information is displayed for Non-Patent Literature Citations:




Name of the literature/document/publication that is being cited.


This indicates whether a (translation) document has been linked to the citation.


Click on the non-patent literature Information to view and edit the details.