This article outlines how to use the Equinox Office Plugin in Outlook.

There are several options available within Outlook:

- Save Emails to Equinox

- Open Emails From Equinox

- Attach Documents From Equinox to an Email

Note: The Equinox option is only visible when viewing individual emails in Equinox.

Save Emails to Equinox

  1. Open the individual email (either from your inbox, sent items, or click 'New Email')
  2. Click 'Equinox' in the ribbon
  3. There are 2 options to save to Equinox:
        > 'Save to Equinox' - this saves the email, without the attachments
        > 'Save Attachments' - this saves the email, with the attachments
  4. In the pop-up box enter the case code to save the email to
  5. (If saving the attachments, select which ones you wish to save)
  6. Record any additional information (Date, Folder etc.)
  7. Click 'Save New'

Note: As a short cut, you can also right-click on emails within your inbox and select ‘Save to Equinox’ from the drop-down list.

Open Emails From Equinox 

  1. Click 'New Email'
  2. Click 'Equinox' in the ribbon
  3. Click 'Open From Equinox'
  4. In the pop-up box enter the case code the email is saved to
  5. Select the email from the list of documents on the case
  6. Click 'Open'

Attach Documents From Equinox to an Email 

  1. Open the individual email (either from your inbox, sent items, or click 'New Email')
  2. Click 'Equinox' in the ribbon
  3. Click 'Attach from Equinox'
  4. Search the case the document is saved to 
  5. Select the document(s) to attach
  6. Click 'Open'