A new tool for checking the content of system generated emails has been added in the Version 9 update. This tool helps facilitate email checking between users within Equinox.

Edit Emails for Outgoing Correspondence

  1. Generate a task via the smart correspondence functionality
  2. Open the task with the relevant correspondence attached. 
  3. Click the ‘Edit email’ option displayed within the correspondence window. 
  4. Make any amendments to the correspondence.

Request Check on Outgoing Correspondence

After amending an outgoing email...

  1. Select another user from your organisation using the ‘Request Check By’ drop-down. 
  2. Optional notes can be provided to contextualise the request for a check
  3. Click Save

  4. The task will be reassigned to the new user and a new ‘Check Email’ option will appear so that checks can be made.

  5. After the check has been completed it can either be marked as ‘Ready to Send’ or reassigned again for further checks as shown below.

  6. Once the email has been checked, you will have the option to send the correspondence back to the original task user so that the correspondence can be finalised and sent to the client.


Please Note: You will need to have Smart Correspondence functionality switched on for the email checking tool to be enabled.  For further information please see the section on Smart Correspondence.