This article explains how to generate a renewal due date in Equinox.


Generating a renewal date

The first renewal due date for a case is generated through the case Renewals tab. 

When you access the Renewals tab, Equinox will compare the case data with the renewal country law and determine if a renewal due date is ready to be calculated. If the case is eligible for renewals, you'll see a screen like this:  

The screen shows the following details:

YearThe suggested renewal year based on the Equinox country law. This is an editable field and the user should always verify this information, and amend if necessary.
DateThe suggested renewal due date based on the Equinox country law. This is an editable field and the user should always verify this information, and amend if necessary.
CountryThe case country
Based OnThe name of the date that the renewal date has been calculated from
Base DateThe actual date that the renewal date has been calculated from
DescriptionThe difference between the base date and the suggested renewal due date
Renewal ResponsibleThe renewal responsible value stored on the case
Annuities ProviderThe renewals provider stored on the case (functionality coming soon)

Note: It's important to verify the information suggested by the Equinox country law before generating the renewal, and to amend this if necessary.

If a Country Law note exists, this will display in the form of a red exclamation mark next to the country. Clicking on the exclamation mark will display this note:

When you've verified the information is correct, click Start Renewal. This will generate the Renewal Due Date in Equinox. It will also add a task to the case for the renewal deadline, and tasks for any notices that are scheduled based on your system configuration.

 The Renewals Due Date that you've generated will be visible on the case and can be accessed via the case Renewals tab.

For more information on the Renewals Due Date display, see the Renewal Due Date Navigation article

What happens if Equinox can't calculate a renewal date?

If you access the Renewals tab of a case and Equinox can’t calculate a renewal date yet, you'll receive the following message: 

For example, this could happen if a renewal is due on grant, but no grant date has been stored on the case. In instances such as this, you have the option to manually input the renewal information and generate a renewal due date. 

Generating renewal dates for multiple family members at once

The Start for Family option lets you generate renewal due dates for multiple family members at the same time. Clicking the Start for Family button will provide a list of family members where renewals have not yet been generated:

You can then check and submit the relevant renewal due dates for multiple family members at the same time.