To process an EPO communication in Equinox:

  1. Click on the Title of the communication you want to process

  2. This takes you to the Details page for that communication.

  3. Equinox will pre-fill the following fields in the Details box on the left of the screen with information it has received from the EPO.

    • PTO

    • PTO Reference

    • PTO Notification Date

    • PTO Application Number 

  4. The Case box contains the details of the Equinox case that has a filing number that matches the EPO Application Number linked to the communication.

  5. At the top of the page you'll see a green box telling you that your EPO notification has been successfully linked to a case and is ready to process. Click the green Process button on the right of the box to continue.

  6. This will bring up the pre-set run screen 

  7. Click Proceed 

  8. This will run the pre-set onto the case

  9. The pre-set tasks will now be visible on the Tasks tab of the case

  10. The EPO communication documents are now visible on the Documents tab of the case